What is Overweight and causes of overweight?
Overweight is the term which is defined as
"Condition of a human body in which the body has more fat on it than actually required for perfect health."
It is the state which produced when a person eats too much every day but did not involve in any physical activity.
When a person did not perform any physical activity like walking, exercise, games and in the same time he used to eat food too mush (overeating) then after some days his body can get more and more fat on it which causes the body or human to be overweight.
Many types of research have shown different definition and explanations of overweight and the causes of overweight.
Here are some general causes of overweight listed below.
1-Living Style
The living style of a person is generally most important in describing the health of a person.
As a person mostly try to be at rest and they mostly used to spend their most of time in such activities which do not involve any kind of physical activities like walking, games etc, then this is very harmful to the health of a person because it can cause overweight and some other problems.
Some of those activities which do not involve any physical activity are following which must be avoided.
- Watching Television
- Social media usage
- Playing video games
- Sitting on chair
- Sleeping
Food which a person eats is also a major cause of overweight. So the quality of the food is important. A person who mostly tries to eat junk foods has more chance of being overweight then the one who eats simple food.So for a healthy and good life, a person must eat simple foods like eggs, vegetables, beef etc.
As the quality of food is important similarly quantity of food which a person eats is also important from the health point of view. Overeating is also a problem which can cause overweight and when a person eats junk foods these foods have some special taste which enhances the ability to eat of a person and that person then starts eating too much.So in overeating, a person does not think about his health and this can cause serious problems to health and most probably overweight is the first problem in this case.
4-Irregular Eating
Time or schedule of daily eating food is the major factor which can control the many problems of the human body.A person must have a proper schedule of eating food daily as people who do not follow any time table and eat according to their wish or irregularly, then this can cause the habit of overeating in them which is described above is one of the factors that cause overweight.
5-Genetic problem
Some researches have shown that most of the people in the world re overweight because they have got this problem as a gene from their forefathers.So genes from ancestors can cause overweight which can not be controlled by medical actions or medicines.
6-Depression or Stress
Depression or stress is the key factor in describing the overweight or health of the body.When people are upset or have any kind of stress then they mostly eat more than the normal and if they did not overcome their problems then this overeating due to depression a become overweight for them in future and can cause many other problems or socially harmful activities.
7-Less Sleeping
Rest is necessary for a human body and sleeping in the form of this rest which lessen our problems and our mind feel cool after sleeping.Researches have shown that when people used to sleep less than the normal then the chance of being overweight has been increased then the people who sleep more.
8-Eating Sweets too much
Sugar used in many kinds of foods and have a full effect on the health of human beings.Sugar is full of calories when a person used to eat sugar foods than these sugar products will affect the body of a person and overweight is the main result of this kind of food.
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